Offering a Wide Variety of Beautiful Glass Marbles
At The Marble Man, we always have marbles in various colors, styles, and sizes on hand. You can count on us to provide you with our products in small or large quantities, in any mix you need.
What We Offer

This picture shows some of our 9/16” to 5/8” marbles. The common styles cost starts from $1.00 for 10 marbles.

These are our Pee Wees. They are marbles that are less than 1/2”. We sell them for $1.00 for 4 marbles.
Handmade Marbles
You can work together with us in selecting a marble you can add to your collection. We offer handmade marbles, which are made by different artists whom Jack and Sue have met in their travels. Every marble you purchase will come with an appropriately sized stand and a certificate of authenticity containing the item’s value and the name of the artist who created it.
Our selection is constantly growing and changing. We try our best to keep our website updated, but you may get in touch with us via email to make sure that we have the marble you want on hand.
On the other hand, if you are interested in a marble that has been marked as sold, you can contact us. We will see if we can provide you with a marble similar to it or one that is made from the same cane.

Geoffrey Beetem
Geoffrey Beetem
Geoffrey has his studio in Ohio and has been making marbles for many years, he does beautiful work with the dicroic glass and is known for his Planet Earth marbles like B12 below. They are all signed.
This is what we had in stock as of 4/4/2017
If you are interested in an Earth Marble, e-mail me & I'll find out what he currently has available.

B17 1 7/16" $60.00
The Blue is sprinkled with lots of dicro & Goldstone
and the band is Goldstone flanked by Deep Red.

B2 1 9/16" $50.00
Rich Deep Blue dicro Clambroth
with Lime and Gold lines.

B20 1 7/16" $50.00 SOLD

B16 1 7/16" $50.00 SOLD
Rich bands of dicro in Golds, Blues& Greens

B25 1 15/16" $110.00 SOLD

B18 1 1/2" $60.00
Very pretty rich Purples.

B14 1 11/16" $75.00 SOLD

B12 1 7/8" $230.00 SOLD
These can be ordered for you but may take a bit of time.

B21 1 5/8" $70.00 SOLD

B22 1 3/8" $50.00 SOLD

B23 1 1/2" $62.00

B24 1 9/16" $62.00

Jack Hahn "The Marble Man" See his first hand made
These are the first hand made marbles made by Jack Hahn "The Marble Man"

Wooden 'Blocks' like these are used to shape the hot glass, they are kept soaking in water at all times but the work with them eventually burns the edges down and new one are needed.
These marbles shown here were made between March 4 to 6, 2002
They are all between 2 1/2 inches and 3" in diameter unless otherwise noted.
Our thanks to Herman Leonhardt for his time, glass and use of his furnace.
As of 12/9/2002 these have all been sold, unfortunately we did not get the opportunity to make marbles this year, but Jack did make a very sturdy water glass!


Blue lines with spots of purple. This was one of the first to be close to round, it is just slightly off and has 1 fold.


Orange, red and blue lines swirl through the body of this other early one, it is slightly off round and has 2 folds.
$25.00 *SOLD*


Swirls of multiple colors go through the center of this ever so slightly egg shaped marble, there is a bit of orange peel effect on the top where he was working to round it off, it has a couple of small folds.
$25.00 *SOLD*


A cloud of orange and blue fill the center of this slightly off round marble, 1 very slight fold is near the pontil.
$25.00 *SOLD*

A blue & orange cloud with lots of green adventurine. Slightly off round and has several tiny surface pits from where it landed on the fire brick when it was cut off .

H153 1 3/16" $28.00


Light & dark blue and lots of green adventurine and goldstone set this one off as a real pretty marble. Unfortunately there are 2 folds on the equator and one very small one near the pontil.
$35.00 *SOLD*


This red, white & blue one came out nicely rounded with just a slight fold near the pontil and a bit of bubbling just below the surface seen in the image above.
$35.00 *SOLD*


The twisted center of this one and lots of green adventurine give this one an interesting center, it has 4 small folds.
$35.00 *SOLD*


This one is nicely rounded and most of the color is towards the surface. Lots of goldstone and green adventurine give it a good sparkle. There is one small fold near the pontil.
$35.00 *SOLD*


Nicely rounded and a good assortment of color, green adventurine and goldstone, this one has 2 tiny folds near the pontil.
$35.00 *SOLD*


The bold colors and nice rounding really catch the eye with this one, there is a very slight fold near the crown.
$35.00 *SOLD*


Light and dark blue swirled with a touch of purple and teal, the colors for this one were laid out by Sue. It is nicely rounded but has a slight fold on the equator.
$35.00 *SOLD*


Lots of color, adventurine, goldstone and chips of black patterned dicro give this marble lots to look at, it is nicely rounded and has only one very slight fold near base and several tiny surface pits on the crown from landing on the fire brick.
$45.00 *SOLD*

This beautiful blue marble is loaded with patterned black dicro, adventurine and goldstone, unfortunately there is a small fold and a tiny dimple on the equator.
$45.00 *SOLD*

You might notice a white line going across the middle of some of the marbles, this and the central white spot on each is a reflection from the flash and the table I was photographing on.
Lt. Blue w/Goldstone, has fold near pontil. It is a bit smaller, approx. 2"
$20.00 *SOLD*

Royal blue with a splash of teal and lots of goldstone, about 2 1/2", 4 folds on top, middle and base and 1 small bump.
$20.00 *SOLD*

Clear with multi colored surface colors adventurine and goldstone. 2", slightly off round and several small folds.
$20.00 *SOLD*

Yellow and brown with lots of goldstone several small folds near pontil and slightly rough surface near base.
$30.00 *SOLD*

Nice free form Red, White & Blue it is slightly off round, has 1 small fold and a dimple near pontil.
$35.00 *SOLD*

Bright blue with goldstone and spots of teal and orange, 1 small fold and slightly flattened near base. Approx. 2".
$25.00 *SOLD*

Curtis Cecil
Curtis Cecil
Curtis has his studio "Crystal Palace Glass" in High Point, NC. His marbles, especially his flowers show a wonderful delicacy.
Most are signed except for the smaller ones. This is what we had in stock as of 8/29/2016.

C40 1 7/16" $75.00 SOLD

C9 1 15/16" $100.00

C6 1 1/16" $35.00

C13 1 5/16" $52.00

C3 13/16" $34.00 SOLD

C10 31/32" $25.00

C4 1" $25.00

C21 1 5/16" $60.00 SOLD

C12 1 1/16" $25.00

C45 13/16" $20.00 SOLD

C17 1 1/16" $35.00 SOLD

C44 1 5/16" $60.00 SOLD

C54 9/16" $15.00 SOLD

C41 1 1/8" $42.00 SOLD

C49 13/16" $15.00 SOLD

C42 1 3/16" $40.00 SOLD

C47 1 5/8" $85.00 SOLD

C43 1 3/16" $40.00 SOLD

C46 1 3/8" $85.00 SOLD

C51 9/16" $15.00 SOLD

C48 27/32" $20.00 SOLD

Dale Danowski
Dale Danowski
Dale resides in Richmond, IN and uses the Lampworking technique to make his
marbles, he favors the Classic and Clambroth style patterns.
They are not signed and they are $18.00 apiece.
This is what we had in stock as of 3/25/2015.
There is only 1 left at the top of the page & it's on Sale for $5.00.

D26 11/16" $10.00 SOLD

D2 23/32" SOLD

D22 25/32" SALE: $5.00

D6 13/16" SOLD

D16 23/32" SOLD
Lines of goldstone are liberally
worked between the color bands.

D29 25/32" SOLD

D30 25/32" SOLD

D24 25/32". SOLD

D15 11/16" SOLD
Lines of goldstone sit between
each color line.

Eli Swartz
Hank and Toby Swartz
Eli Swartz
Hank spends the long Vermont winter listening to music and making marbles with rods of glass and a torch, a process called 'lampworking.' Both Hank and Toby do furnace work making wonderful blown glass pieces & ornaments. They also have a shop in town in Jamaica, VT.
Their son Eli also worked with the torch to make his unique Pocket Pets. Eli started working in glass when he was 9 years old.
This is what we had in stock as of 8/29/2016.


Hank's 3/4" Surprise Marbles $10.00 ea.
We have a wide variety of these. They are not signed.


S3 1 1/2" $15.00 SOLD
Toby's are all signed.

S4 1 1/2" $15.00 SOLD

Eli did a limited edition of 8 of these
Octopus with top hats for us in the summer of 2002.
The 2003 edition is pictured below
along with the Dragons, Gecko's and Snakes.

S5 1 1/2" $15.00
Our stock of marbles turns over fairly quick so these exact marbles may not be available but we
probably have something similar and will work with you to find the perfect marble for your collection.
With all the Marble Pets Eli began by making a clear marble with a transparent blue band around the diameter, this can be seen in some of the shots, it was his signature feature.
The Octopus are about 1" by 1 1/2" tall: $15.00 each. There is 1 left.



Eli'sDragons, Gecko's and Snakes are all Sold Out

S1 $15.00 SOLD

S2 $15.00 SOLD
These are all about
3/4" to 7/8" in size.

S5 $15.00 SOLD







Erin Cartee & Shannon Norris
Erin Cartee and Shannon Norris
Erin and Shannon have their Fireworx Studio in Conover, NC they love the subtle colors and intricate
designs they get with their style of lampworking. They enjoy experimenting to see how
far they can take some pieces, some are signed, some aren't, some of the pieces they collaborate on.
They also do some nice small vessels, whimseys and jewelry. Here is what is available as of 3/25/2015.

E1 1 9/16" $35.00 Shannon

E5 1 3/4" $50.00 SOLD

E4 1 1/16" $20.00

E11 23/32" $10.00 SOLD
E11 23/32" $10.00 SOLD

N5 1 9/16" $20.00 SOLD

E7 1 5/16" $35.00 SOLD
Very tightly stacked swirl in dark amber glass.
Very cool looking marble.

E3a 2" $85.00 SOLD

E3b Nice double sided Vortex. SOLD

E2a 2 1/8" $85.00 SOLD

E2b Very nice deep Vortex interior. SOLD

Hank Swartz
Hank and Toby Swartz
Eli Swartz
Hank spends the long Vermont winter listening to music and making marbles with rods of glass and a torch, a process called 'lampworking.' Both Hank and Toby do furnace work making wonderful blown glass pieces & ornaments. They also have a shop in town in Jamaica, VT.
Their son Eli also worked with the torch to make his unique Pocket Pets. Eli started working in glass when he was 9 years old.
This is what we had in stock as of 8/29/2016.


Hank's 3/4" Surprise Marbles $10.00 ea.
We have a wide variety of these. They are not signed.


S3 1 1/2" $15.00 SOLD
Toby's are all signed.

S4 1 1/2" $15.00 SOLD

Eli did a limited edition of 8 of these
Octopus with top hats for us in the summer of 2002.
The 2003 edition is pictured below
along with the Dragons, Gecko's and Snakes.

S5 1 1/2" $15.00
Our stock of marbles turns over fairly quick so these exact marbles may not be available but we
probably have something similar and will work with you to find the perfect marble for your collection.
With all the Marble Pets Eli began by making a clear marble with a transparent blue band around the diameter, this can be seen in some of the shots, it was his signature feature.
The Octopus are about 1" by 1 1/2" tall: $15.00 each. There is 1 left.



Eli'sDragons, Gecko's and Snakes are all Sold Out

S1 $15.00 SOLD

S2 $15.00 SOLD
These are all about
3/4" to 7/8" in size.

S5 $15.00 SOLD







Charles Gibson
Charles Gibson Glassworks
Charles has retired and closed his studio in Milton, West Va. He is known for having produced a good variety of glass work as well as his signature Snakeskin and Peppermint Swirl marbles. The marbles below are what we had in stock as of 1/2/2016.
He did not sign his marbles.

G12 1 7/16" $30.00 SOLD

G39 1 3/16" $25.00 SOLD

G15 1 3/16" $28.00 SOLD

G34 1 9/16" $32.00 SOLD

G38 1 1/4" $25.00 SOLD

G19 1 5/16" $25.00

G43 1 3/16" $25.00

G42 1 3/16" $25.00 SOLD

G37 1 9/16" $32.00

G20 1 3/8" $25.00 SOLD

G14 1 5/8" $28.00 SOLD

G56 1 5/16" $20.00 SOLD

G16 1 7/16" $32.00 SOLD

G27 1 9/16" $40.00 SOLD

G22 1 5/16" $25.00 SOLD

Sammy Hogue
Sammy Hogue
Sammy lives in Ellenboro, West Va. & built his Glass Shop in his back yard.
He makes some beautiful abstract swirls, flames and sulphides. They are signed and dated.
The marbles below are what we had in stock as of 4/27/18.
At the bottom of the page are some larger marbles and a Cane he did.
He says he is in the process of retiring but hasn't slowed down much.
Our stock changes frequently so we may not have the exact marble you see here
but we can work with you to find a perfect addition to your collection.

H187 1 11/16" $58.00

H110 1 11/16" $45.00

H217 1 11/16" $45.00

H185 1/11/16" $58.00

H71 1 9/16" $32.00

H149 1 3/4" $45.00

H137 1 11/16" $58.00

H155 1 3/16" $28.00

H107 1 11/16" $45.00

H182 1 11/16" $58.00 SOLD

H177 1 11/16" $58.00 SOLD

H188 1 11/16" $45.00

H175 1 11/16" $45.00

H174 1 11/16" $45.00

H153 1 3/16" $28.00

H161 1 3/8" $30.00

H204 1 11/16" $45.00

H116 1 11/16" $45.00

H198 1 11/16" $45.00

H170 1 11/16" $45.00

H218 1 7/16" $32.00

H160 1 7/16" $30.00
The Pink Flouresces under Black Light.

H151 1 11/16" $55.00

H202 1 5/16" $28.00

H150 1 11/16" $45.00

H148 1 1/2" $45.00 SOLD

H147 1 11/16" $45.00 SOLD

H166 1 11/16" $45.00 SOLD

H173 1 11/16" $45.00

H158 1 3/8" $40.00

H199 1 11/16" $45.00

H190 1 11/16" $45.00

H191 1 11/16" $45.00 SOLD

H180 1 11/16" $58.00

H136 1 11/16" $58.00

H181 1 11/16" $58.00

H96 1 11/16" $58.00
Over the past few months Sammy
and Eddie Seese have been working together and they colaborated on a
number of marbles that are signed by both of them.
I have posted them up on Eddie's page.
They are gorgeous!
Go to Seese to see them.

H97 1 11/16" $58.00 SOLD

H134 1 11/16" $58.00 SOLD

H154 1 3/16" $28.00

H159 1 5/16" $30.00

H140 1 11/16" $58.00

Hogue Glass Marble Stands are included with the marbles that don't have matching ones.

H 135 1 11/16" $58.00

H203 1 3/16" $28.00

H171 1 11/16" $45.00

H216 1 11/16" $45.00 SOLD
The Pink Flouresces under a Black Light.

H152 1 11/16" $55.00

H172 1 11/16" $45.00

H201 1 3/16" $28.00

H208 1 3/8" $38.00

H210 1 5/16" $30.00

H206 1 5/16" $30.00

H141 1 11/16" $45.00

H143 1 11/16" $45.00

H145 1 11/16" $45.00 SOLD

H144 1 11/16" $45.00

H142 1 11/16" $45.00

H146 1 11/16" $45.00

H196 1 11/16" $45.00

H169 1 7/16" $45.00

H195 1 11/16" $45.00
Larger Marbles and Cane

H87 2 7/8" $245.00 SOLD

H301 3 3/8" $250.00

H90 3 1/4" $280.00

H302 3/8" $250.00 SOLD

H91 3 7/8" $575.00 SOLD

H85 1 3/4" x 7 1/4" $150.00 SOLD
Looks straight from this angle, slightly off from other angles.
He put the cane on the stand while hot and
it set before he fine tuned the angle.
It is a nice piece with a sparkling of gold dicro.

Jim Davis and his sons Mike, Rick, John and Joe
Jim Davis Glassworks
Jim had a good variety of styles that he made as he was always trying to come up
with something new as he explored the medium further.
Sadly, Jim passed away in June 2007.
The Davis Brothers
His son's continued the business and produced a wide variety of nice looking marbles,
some of which can be seen below.
They closed the business last year and are no longer making any more marbles.
We are completely sold out of all their marbles.
Click here to go to Steve Davis's page.

D80 1 1/2" Rick $25.00 SOLD

D69 1 9/16" Joe $25.00 SOLD

D81 1 1/2" Rick $25.00 SOLD

D27 1 3/4" John $35.00 SOLD

D87 1 1/2" Rick $30.00 SOLD

D76 1 5/16" Mike $24.00 SOLD

D82 1 1/2" Rick $25.00 SOLD

D74 1 9/16" Mike $25.00 SOLD

D86 1 1/2" Rick $30.00 SOLD

Mazet Studio's
Mazet Studio's
This is the work of the three Mazet brothers:
Joshua, Eli and Tim lampworkers from Eugene, OR.
Between them they have a vast range of Artistic skills and talents in glass and other fields.
As of 8/11/13 we are Sold Out but are hoping to make a new order soon.

MZ 2a
MZ 2
1 1/16"

MZ 2b

MZ 3a
MZ 3
1 3/16"

MZ 3b

MZ 5a
MZ 5
1 7/16"

MZ 5b

MZ 6a
MZ 6
1 5/8"

MZ 6b

MZ 7a
MZ 7
1 17/32"

MZ 7b

MZ 8a
MZ 8
1 9/16"

MZ 8b

MZ 9a
MZ 9
1 1/2"

MZ 9b

MZ 12a
MZ 12
1 1/2"

MZ 12b

MZ 11a
MZ 11
1 11/16"

MZ 11b

Cuneo Furnace
Cuneo Furnace Steve Maslach Designer
These marbles are available in a large variety of colors and patterns, the colors are all bright and vivid and the work very clean and clear.
They are not signed.
Steve has closed the production studio in order to concentrate on his larger Art Glass work, we wish him the very best.
This is our stock as of 5/4/2018
Hearts approx. 1 5/8" x 1 1/2"


David & Debbie Rosenfeldt H2Orb
Shipwrecked Glass
David & Debbie Rosenfeldt
This glassworking team from California also design and make stunning glass kaleidoscopes as well as these beautiful marbles. They are all signed.
Unfortunately the business was closed and no more of these marbles are being made.
The marbles shown below with prices are what we had available on 1/2/2016.

D18 1 5/16" $38.00

D29 1 9/16" $50.00 SOLD

D24 1 1/4" $38.00 SOLD

2" diam H2Orb with clear Dicro Glass
These are no longer being made but when
they were the H2Orbs were their signature
marbles, the marble is fluid filled so when
turned the contents float around.

2" diam. H2Orb with Colored Glass.

D5 1 1/2" $48.00 SOLD

D20 1 5/16" $38.00

D13 1 5/16" $38.00

Kris Parke
Ed Weaver
Ed has his studio in North Carolina and makes these marbles using the Lampworking method with rods of glass and a torch. He is no longer making marbles. They are not signed.
This shows what we have in stock as of 7/1/2016.

P14 1 1/4" $38.00

P20 1 9/16" $52.00 sold

P26 1 1/2" $55.00 SOLD

P15 1 5/16" $35.00 SOLD

P22 1 1/2" $50.00 SOLD

P18 1 1/2" $48.00 SOLD

P19 1 5/16" $35.00

P25 1 9/16" $48.00

P33 1 1/2" $48.00 SOLD

P29 1 9/16" $50.00 SOLD

P37 1 1/2" $48.00 SOLD

P12 1 1/4" $38.00 SOLD

P17 1 5/16" $35.00 SOLD

P21 1 1/2" $50.00 SOLD

P34 1 3/4" $72.00 SOLD

P24 1 1/2" $50.00 SOLD

P31 1 1/2" $55.00 SOLD

P16 1 5/16" $38.00 SOLD

P30 1 9/16" $52.00 SOLD

P32 1 9/16" $60.00 SOLD

P27 1 9/16" $55.00 SOLD

P28 1 1/4" $38.00

P35 1 1/2" $50.00 SOLD

P23 1 7/16" $50.00 SOLD

Eddie Seese
Eddie Seese
Eddie does a nice variety of styles, when he first started out he gathered the reject marbles and cullet from the Jabo marble factory, some of these below were made from cullet from a run of Dave's Classics. Once he started working with the dicroic glass his creativity soared and he is really making some amazing designs. They are all signed.
This reflects our stock as of 8/24/17.
The newest are the higher numbers.
He has also started giving us glass stands for some of his marbles.
Our stock changes frequently so we may not have the exact marble you see here but we can
work with you to find a perfect addition to your collection.
Recently Eddie has been colaborating with Sammy Hogue on some marbles and we have some below!
They are signed by both Artists

S171 1 13/16" $110.00

S174 1 3/4" $165.00
Viewed from top it's a Blue & White Spiral,
from bottom Yellow & Orange

S172 1 13/16" $160.00
Viewed from top it's a Blue, Orange & Black Spiral,
from bottom Lt. Green, Pink & Yellow.

S173 1 15/16" $170.00

S177 1 7/8" $140.00

S176 1 3/4" $130.00
Viewed from top it's an Orange, Red & Pink Spiral,
from bottom it's shades of Purple.

S169 1 15/16" $170.00

S175 1 3/4" $120.00
Viewed from top it's an Orange, Red & Pink Spiral, from bottom it's shades of Purple.

S170 1 15/16" $170.00

S109 1 5/16" $48.00

S125 1 9/16" $52.00
Same cane as S123

S65 1 3/8" $48.00

S122 1 9/16" $52.00
Lots of Silver dicro in the Blue stripes.

S148 1 3/8" $58.00
Other side is all Orange flanked

S162 1 1/2" $48.00

S163 1 5/16" $42.00

S164 1 9/16" $54.00

S7 1 1/4" $25.00
This marble was done
VERY early on using Jabo Cullet.

S145 1 5/16" $48.00

S123 1 1/2" $52.00

S158 2 5/16" $390.00
with a matching stand

S166 1 1/4" $42.00

S159 2 5/16" $375.00
Lots of Dicro!

ESSH 1 1 5/8" $140.00

ESSH 7 1 7/16" $95.00

ESSH 3 1 13/16" $150.00

ESSH 4 1 13/16" $150.00

ESSH 6 1 5/8" $95.00

ESSH 5 1 5/8" $95.00

ESSH 2 1 13/16" $150.00
Below are some of the other large marbles Eddie has made.

S91 3" SOLD

Eddie was just pulling this out of the annealer when
Jack arrived to visit him in Oct. 2004

S88 1 15/16" SOLD
'Imperial Dragon'

S117 2 1/8" SOLD
Imperial Dragon.

S132 2" SOLD

Scott Pernicka
Scott Pernicka Internal Fire Glass
Scott has his studio in Albany, New York where he creates his beautiful Vortex marbles.
We are Sold Out as of 8/11/2013
He is apparently only doing Gallery work now, we are unable to get any more.

1 1/4" $75.00
Sold Out

1 1/2" $110.00
Sold Out

2" $120.00
This one is more like a swirled galaxy, not a vortex.
This one is in stock

side view
I had difficulty photographing these
stunning marbles.
You can see the spiral, what is hard
to see is that they are made of bright
metallic like filaments in different colors.
You can see from the side view that
it is clear on the top half and just subtle
stripes of color on the bottom.

Steve Davis
Steve Davis
Steve is one of Jim Davis's sons and has produced some great marbles along with his brothers in Pennsboro, West Va.
They have closed the business and are no longer making any marbles.
They are completely SOLD OUT.
If you wish to see some that were made by Steve's other brothers Click here
These are what we had in stock as of 4/5/17.
Our stock changes frequently so we may not have the exact marble you see here but we can work with you to find a perfect addition to your collection.

SD18 1 1/2" $32.00 SOLD

SD92 1 7/16" $30.00 SOLD

SD79 1 7/16" $25.00 SOLD

SD23 1 1/2" $25.00 SOLD

SD31 1 7/16" $25.00 SOLD

H149 1 3/4" $45.00

SD88 1 7/16" $25.00 SOLD

SD16 1 1/2" $32.00 SOLD

SD100 1 3/8" $25.00 SOLD

SD96 1 15/32" $32.00 SOLD

SD93 1 1/2" $30.00 SOLD

SD91 1 7/16" $32.00 SOLD

SD89 1 7/16" $25.00 SOLD

SD24 1 13/16" $35.00 SOLD

SD30 1 7/16" $25.00 SOLD

SD94 1 7/16" $32.00 SOLD
Very subtle Purple swirl with Bands
of Turquoise and lots of Mica.

SD98 1 7/16" $25.00 SOLD

SD95 1 3/8" $25.00 SOLD

SD97 1 1 2" $28.00 SOLD

D61 1 7/16" $32.00 SOLD

Teign Valley Glass
Teign Valley Glass
A fairly large manufacturer of a variety of glass products located in Devon, England.
They are all 1 7/16"
All are signed and some are in numbered editions.
This reflects the stock we had on 5/2/2016.

TVG 74 $22.00

TVG 11 $22.00

TVG 45 $22.00

TVG 20 $22.00

TVG 48 $22.00

TVG 72 $24.00

TVG 78 $22.00
Signed only with a large 3 A

TVG 79 $22.00 SOLD

TVG 6 $22.00

The Wilkerson's
This is a father son team that has been doing mostly blown glass vessels.
They bought all the molds and tools from Charles Gibson when he closed his
studio last year. These are from their first batch of marbles.
Sold Out as of 8/20/2014

W3 1 5/8" $30.00 SOLD

W7 1 5/8" $40.00 SOLD

W4 1 5/8" $22.00 SOLD
The yellow area is actually a bit more peach.

W6 1 5/8" $40.00 SOLD

Ed Weaver
Ed Weaver
Ed has his studio in North Carolina and makes these marbles using the Lampworking method with rods of glass and a torch. He is no longer making marbles. They are not signed.
This shows what we have in stock as of 7/1/2016.

W14 13/16" $10.00 SOLD

W28 15/16" $10.00 SOLD
Solid green adventurine.

W4 31/32" $10.00

W29 13/15" $10.00 SOLD
Deep red with a band of goldstone
swirled through the middle.

W8 1 1/8" $10.00 SOLD

W7 13/16" $10.00

W20 31/32" $20.00 SOLD

W23 13/16" $15.00 SOLD

W13 13/16" $10.00 SOLD
Very subtle with a bit of dicro.

J. R. Hooper
Mini Marbles by J. R. Hooper
J. R. grew up in the hills of beautiful Western N.C. and has been working with glass for about 15 years.
He one of just a few glass Artists making Minis.
I discovered him when I was looking for a unique gift to give to the kids competing in The National Marbles Tournament this year.
It has become a tradition of ours to give each of the State & Local Champs a gift at the start of the week.
The significance of using 7 marbles is that is how many marbles they need to shoot out of the ring to win a game.
They were a huge hit!
Though we had to warn them to leave them sealed so they wouldn't lose them.

The signature tag is sealed inside on the bottom.

Notice the detail, little multi colored swirls and miniature Cat Eyes!

The vials holding the marbles are 1" diameter and 5/8" thick.

Each set contains 7 marbles and each is different.
I tried to put a good balance of marbles in each one.
They are $15.00 a Set plus $2.50 P & H for up to 4 sets.

Andrew Weill
Andrew Weill Manchester Hot Glass
and Tim Adams Pee Wees
Located in Manchester, Vermont, Andrew does a variety of blown glasswork such as vases and glasses
in addition to these beautiful marbles. They are signed.
These are what we have in stock as of 1/2/2016.

MHG41 1" $24.00 SOLD

MHG35 1 5/16" $32.00 SOLD

MHG36 1 3/16" $30.00 SOLD

MHG47 1" $24.00

MHG45 1" $24.00 SOLD
The central stripe is Green Adventurine
and the contrast stripe is deep Red.

MHG46 1" $24.00
Pee Wee's
Tim Adams

We have a variety of Pee Wees around
7/16" to 5/8" for $10.00 apiece.

Herman Leonhardt
SWAMP ART Herman Leonhardt
We are sad to report that Herman passed away in 2011 so no more of these gems will be made.
Herman Leonhardt lived in the middle of a swamp in South Carolina in a beautiful home he built himself. He called his marbles Herman Planets and this new series all have "Wormholes from a giant Cosmic worm." In addition to the Herman Planet's he enjoyed making LARGE glass bowls, platters, vases and lampshades for the wrought iron lamps he makes. Most of his marbles are 2 1/2" or more in diameter. They are all signed.
This is what we had in stock as of 8/29/2016.

Pink Herman Planet with
Approx. 2 3/4" diameter

Lt. Blue & Pink Herman Planet with Wormhole
Approx. 2 3/4" diameter

Lt. Blue & Pink Herman Planet with Wormhole
Approx. 2 3/4" diameter

Blue Herman Planet with
Approx. 2 3/4" diameter

Lt. Blue Herman Planet with Wormhole
Approx. 2 3/4" diameter

Green Herman Planet with
Approx. 2 3/4" diameter

Large Brown
Herman Planet
with Wormhole
This one is approx. 4" diameter
$135.00 SOLD

Phillip Nolley
Phillip Nolley
Phillip works out of a studio in Staunton, VA and produces a nice variety of vessels.
He is just starting to make marbles and we hope to follow his progress, they are not signed..
We are Sold Out as of 1/2/2016.

N1 1 11/16" $20.00 SOLD

N2 1 5/8" $20.00 SOLD

N3 1 11/16" $20.00 SOLD
Lots of Turquoise on back.

N4 1 11/16" $20.00 SOLD

N5 1 9/16" $20.00 SOLD

N6 1 5/8" $20.00 SOLD

Novelty Marbles

These fun 3/4” marbles are $2 each.

These fun 3/4” marbles are $2 each.

The 1 1/16” Earth marble above costs $6.
Other Marbles

Note: Our marbles may not look the same per batch. They may vary based on the dye lot, but you can be sure that they are made with quality.